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How to install apache on the EC2 Instance

Hello everyone, We will learn how to install Apache on the ec2 instance in this article. Let’s get into it.

Installing Apache on an Amazon EC2 instance is a straightforward process that can enhance your web hosting capabilities, leveraging the power and flexibility of EC2. This guide will walk you through the steps to get Apache up and running on your EC2 instance. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a basic web server set up in your EC2 instance that can be customized for your specific hosting needs.


You need to have this thing available to follow this article.

  1. An active AWS Account

  2. An EC2 instance

  3. A user with sudo permission

If you still need to do this you can check out these articles here.

Step 1: Connecting to Your Instance

After launching your instance, connect to it using SSH. The AWS management console provides a built-in SSH client for convenience, or you can use any SSH client. First Navigate to the instances and note the public ip address of your instance.

checking the ip address of ec2 instance

Next, open a terminal and use the following command to connect to the ec2 instance using SSH.

Command: ssh -i /path/to/your-key.pem ec2-user@your-instance-public-ip

connecting to ec2 instance using ssh

Step 3: Installing Apache

Once logged in. Update your package repository to ensure you get the latest versions of the software using the command `sudo yum update`.

updating linux packages

Next, install the Apache server using the command `sudo yum install -y httpd`. The package manager for the Apache webserver in Amazon Linux is named httpd. This will install the Apache server along with all the dependencies.

installing httpd server

Step 4: Configuring Apache

After installation, start httpd using the command `sudo systemctl start httpd`. And to ensure httpd starts automatically on reboot use the command `sudo systemctl enable httpd`. Or you can use this command `sudo systemctl enable –now httpd` to combine both.

configuring apache server

Now navigate to the browser and browse the ip address of your ec2 instance. If you see it’s loading but not showing anything. This is because of the Security group issue.

testing the server

Step 5: Adjusting Firewall Settings

To allow web traffic on the standard web ports, adjust your EC2 instance’s security group settings. In the EC2 instance dashboard, select the instance and navigate to the “Security” tab. Then click on the security group.

adjusting firewall settings

Now click on “Edit inbound rules”.

editing inbound security rules

Now click on “Add rule” and select HTTP.

adding new rule for http traffic

Now select for source and click on “Save rules”.

adding new rule for http traffic

Step 6: Testing Apache

Now open a new tab and browse the instance ip once again and this time you will see it print “It works!”. This is the default page of the Apache web server.

successful installation of apache server

You can change the configuration. Redirect to a different subdomain or port. Change the web app file to show your own application. The location of the web app file in httpd is `/var/www/html/`. Here I will transfer a demo website and show it to you.

updating the website files

Browsing the IP again will reflect the changes.

successfully changed the website file

That was it for this tutorial. To find more tutorials like this check out this


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