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Hosting an SMB Server on Linux: A Practical Guide

Setting up an SMB server on Linux is a smart move for your business. It’s a cost-effective way to share files across your network. Linux, known for its stability, powers about 40% of small and medium-sized business servers. It’s a reliable choice that can save you up to 30% on IT resources compared to other systems.

What is SMB and why use it on Linux?

SMB stands for Server Message Block. It’s a way to share files and printers over a network. Even though it’s mainly used on Windows, Linux can run SMB servers with Samba. This makes it perfect for environments with both Windows and Linux.

Installing Samba on Debian

First, ensure your system is up to date by running `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`.

Update and upgrade the package manager

Then, install Samba using `sudo apt install samba`. Once Samba is installed, it’s ready for configuration.

install samba

Configuring Samba

The main configuration file for Samba is located at “/etc/samba/smb.conf”. Open this file in your preferred text editor, for example, with `sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf`.

Open samba configuration

Add the following configuration at the end of the file to create a basic shared folder:

Modify samba configuration


   workgroup = WORKGROUP

   security = user

   map to guest = bad user


   path = /srv/samba/shared

   browseable = yes

   read only = no

   guest ok = yes“


In this configuration:

  • workgroup defines the workgroup name (default: WORKGROUP).

  • security = user enforces user authentication.

  • map to guest = bad user maps unknown users to a guest account.

  • [SharedFiles] defines the share name.

  • path specifies the folder to share.

  • browseable = yes makes the share visible in the network browser.

  • read only = no allows users to write to the folder.

  • guest ok = yes allows guest access without authentication.

Creating the Shared Directory

Create the shared directory with `sudo mkdir -p /srv/samba/shared`.

Create a shared directory

Then adjust its permissions using `sudo chown nobody:nogroup /srv/samba/shared` and `sudo chmod 777 /srv/samba/shared`. This creates the directory “/srv/samba/shared” and sets it to be writable by all users, including guests.

Add necessary permissions

Starting and Enabling Samba Services

After configuring the shared folder, start the Samba services along with NetBIOS using the command `sudo systemctl start smbd nmbd`.

Start samba services

To ensure that Samba starts automatically at boot, enable the services using `sudo systemctl enable smbd nmbd`.

Enable samba for auto start

Adding Samba Users

To restrict access to certain users, create a Samba user by running `sudo smbpasswd -a username` (replace username with the desired username). You will be prompted to set a password for this user, which will be used for authentication when accessing the SMB share.

Create a password for samba

Accessing the SMB Server from Windows

From a Windows computer, follow these steps to access the shared folder:

  1. Open “File Explorer.”

  2. In the address bar, type \\<IP_address> (replace <IP_address> with the IP of your Linux machine). For example, type \\

  3. You should see the shared folder SharedFiles that you created. If prompted, log in with the Samba username and password you configured earlier.

Accessing the SMB Server from Linux

On another Linux machine, you can access the shared folder using the smbclient tool. If it is not installed, install it with `sudo apt install smbclient`.

Install the smbclient

Then, use the following command to connect to the SMB share: `smbclient // -U username` (replace with your server’s IP address and username with your Samba username).

connect to samba using smbclient

To upload a file into the SMB share use the command `put filename` (replace the file name with your actual file name).

Upload file using put command

To download a file from the SMB share use the command `get filename` (replace the file name with your actual file name).

Download file using get command

Securing Your SMB Server

To enhance security, disable guest access by setting guest ok = no in the share definition. 

Disable guest access into samba

You can also restrict access to specific users by adding valid users = username to the share configuration. This ensures that only the specified users can access the share.

Change shared file configurations

Then restart the smb server to apply changes using the command `sudo systemctl restart smbd nmbd`

Restart samba


  • Firewall: Ensure that ports 137, 138, 139, and 445 are open for SMB traffic.

  • Service Status: Check if the services are running by using systemctl status smbd nmbd.

    Check samba status

  • Log Files: If issues arise, check the log files in /var/log/samba/.

    Check samba log files for issue


Setting up an SMB server on Debian with Samba is easy. It lets you share files across different platforms. This guide shows you how to set up a working SMB server for both Windows and Linux. Samba is great for sharing files at home or in a business setting.


What is SMB, and why use it on Linux?

SMB (Server Message Block) is a network protocol by Microsoft for sharing files and printers. Linux uses Samba, an open-source version, to work with Windows networks.

What are the advantages of hosting an SMB server on Linux?

Hosting an SMB server on Linux is cost-effective because it’s open-source. It’s also flexible and can be customized. Plus, Linux is generally more secure than Windows.

What are some common use cases for Linux-based SMB servers?

Linux-based SMB servers are great for file sharing between Linux and Windows. They’re also good for centralized storage and print servers in small to medium-sized businesses.

How do I choose the right Samba version for my Linux distribution?

Pick the right Samba version based on your Linux distribution and needs. Newer versions might have more features but could be incompatible with older systems or clients.

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